The Coolest Birthday Party, Carnival and Special Event Attractions in Los Angeles

Remote Control Boat Party Delivered to You!

No pool needed!

Are you looking for something unique and fun for your upcoming Birthday Party, Carnival or Special Event? Have you considered a remote control boat party?  Why worry about driving your group somewhere, when you can have somewhere come to you? The HyperBoats Electric RC Boats attraction comes to your location, sets everything up and runs the attraction for you. We can even provide extras to enhance the already awesome experience. 


Everyone loves a good race and what better than to race little tiny cars. Your adrenaline will be pumping and your guests will be jumping.
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Everyone loves magic and especially if they can make your night magical. Don't settle for ordinary, when a HyperParties' magician and make your event extraordinary.
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HyperTrackless Train

All you need is some space in the street or a parking lot for use to transform your even into a magical train adventure.
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HyperTrackless Train